We first meet online through the mobile dating app Tinder by the narrowest of margins. The app only shows you people who are close by and we lived far from each other. We happened to both be hanging out in the Valley, while on the app at the same time.

Stefanie and Anthony have liked each other!
We hit it off right away, sharing a passion for art, sports, traveling, Disneyland, and food. We also shared a passion for music, being weird and being active. Our first date was at the gym, of all places, where Anthony was able to show off his killer moves.
Kidding! Stefanie was the one showing Anthony who’s boss, but no 80’s leotards were involved.
It’s Official
After a few more dates, enjoying dinners, movies and fun times, we made it official. We brought our friends around for the mandatory inspection. Luckily Stefanie’s friends didn’t mind Anthony partying too hard.
Our relationship became more and more solid as the days and weeks went on. We had a blast going to the gym and making fun of people who grunt, seeing if Anthony can yell and grunt louder. As well as, trips to Disneyland where we would eat, drink and clown around the park’s exclusive clubs.
There’s Fireworks
Soon came the time for us to meet each others parents, which we were both nervous about.
Anthony had it worse, meeting a huge part of Stefanie’s family at her 31st birthday party. Luckily Anthony had a secret weapon. His cooking skills. He cooked up some St. Louis style ribs with a homemade Jack Daniels BBQ sauce that knocked their socks off.
Stefanie made her rounds, meeting Anthony’s family at various family functions. Everyone loved her and wondered what voodoo Anthony did to get such a beautiful girl. Yet the fireworks continued as we enjoyed having fun together, like 4th of July at the beach.
Love is in the Air
The fun times continued as we took trips to Las Vegas, Maui, Jamaica, and all over California. Stefanie showed Anthony the fine art of being a 311 fan, while Anthony showed Stefanie the fine art of not getting mugged in St. Louis. We even coerced each other into going to Dodger’s and Cardinals games wearing rival gear. Now that’s love, and no, we will not being showing those pictures.
As the holidays, birthdays and anniversaries passed we fell deeper in love. Since both of us are hard workers, we have been able to build a happy life with all the comforts and luxuries we could ever need. But yet, the one comfort we didn’t have was marriage and building a family. Anthony nipped that issue in the bud (well, half the issue). After Anthony asked Stefanie’s parent’s permission, he finally pooped the question. We got engaged on the hiking trails of Santa Cruz island, after kayaking through sea caves.
Now the fun begins as we look to our wedding in Maui and reception back on the mainland. We both couldn’t be happier and are beyond excited to begin our life together and start our family.